Saturday, January 8, 2022

Aspen Oakley Olsen

     "So are you wanting to be induced?" When the Dr asked me this at my 37 week checkup I had no idea. He offered to induce at 39 weeks. Mark was all about that so we could have the tax deduction (haha). But for me, I know it's better for your body to go naturally and with Walker my water broke at 38 weeks so I think I was expecting that again. 38 weeks would've been Christmas Eve so I was praying that wouldn't happen. I told her just stay in until after Christmas then you can come whenever you want! She is obviously a perfect little girl and listened. 

    We enjoyed Christmas with our families and the day after Mark helped me put it ALL away (Yes I am THAT person).  A few days before my scheduled induction I started doing all the things to try to get her to come on her own. These things would have probably helped if I did them a week or so before her due date but I was too scared of her coming on Christmas! I bounced on a yoga ball, collected colustrum (nipple stimulation), had sex (ew, I know), ate Takis, pineapples, drank raspberry leaf tea, and did lots of stretching and walking up stairs. This is when we were getting pounded with snow otherwise I would've been walking my buns off outside. At some point I realized she was just going to come when she wants (duh) and I should probably get the rest I need since they rescheduled my 6am induction to a midnight induction (do not recommend). 

    Induction day I was having contractions. Nothing painful but it was more than what I ever felt with Walker. We did some cleaning that day because I'm crazy and wanted a clean house when we got home before we filthed it up with diapers, piles of laundry, Walker toys, and dishes piling up. Otherwise, we took it pretty easy. We went to my other moms house (Marks mom, we aren't allowed to say in-law haha) and dropped off Walker so he could have a sleepover there. He was amped. That kid loves it at grandma and grandpas house, mostly because Uncle Drew is there. Then Mark said wherever I wanted to go for dinner we could go. I chose Red Lobster but the wait was at least an hour and that was not cool with me. We tried Tucanos and their wait was crazy too. We ended up at Wingers and it was delicious. (Also, I know all these details seem real dumb but I want to remember everything I can). 

    Going home that night felt really weird to not have Walker with us. I decided to try to get a power nap in before I try to push a baby out of me on no sleep :) I slept somewhere from 9-11pm and then woke up and loaded everything up. I already had my hospital bag packed and ready so I just needed a few last minute things and obviously snacks because I definitely planned on sneaking those. They say you're not supposed to eat but I'm not that good at following that rule. Also, lucky for us, the hospital is about 5 minutes away from our house so that is really nice. 

    We had to go through the emergency entrance because of the time of night it was. We got all checked in and I changed into a hospital gown. I still remember them putting Aspen's name on the whiteboard and it started to feel real. The nurse that placed my IV said my veins kept blowing so it took 3 tries. For whatever reason when she was done I went super pale and got hot and nauseas. She brought me a cool rag to put on my head and lowered my bed. I felt good pretty shortly after that. They then started my Pitocin. The anesthesiologist came in and placed my epidural. I forgot how oddly uncomfortable that feels. I wouldn't really say painful but it's just weird. You feel a pinch then it feels a little burn-y in your spine. Mark sat in front of me while I hugged a pillow and squeezed the life out of his hand. The Dr told me he wishes all his patients were like me ;) I'm a good patient. I also got super nauseous after that too. They gave me some IV medications and it helped almost immediately. Then the urinary catheter was placed.

    They got all my monitors hooked up and my nurse, Courtney said with how consistent my contractions were I probably would've had her pretty soon. A Dr came in shortly after that looked like he was about 19 years old and measured how dilated I was. 2.5cm with 75% effacement. Which was about the same as I was 10 days ago at my last checkup. 

    By the time I was all hooked up it was about 2:30am. I kept trying to get Mark to fold his uncomfortable couch out to a bed but he wouldn't. We watched dumb shows like Judge Judy and Divorce Court. The channels there are pretty limited. I tried to get some sleep but people kept walking in and checking me. The nurses shift changed and we got a new one. I don't remember her name but she seemed really new and didn't have a lot of confidence. She'd awkwardly chuckle after everything she said. 

    The Dr kid came in about 4:15 and broke my water. They said there was meconium in the fluid which means she pooped inside me. Not cool Aspen. They weren't super concerned about it and put something up me to flush it all out. I was dilated to a 3.5 at that point. They said Aspen was anterior and they wanted to try to get her to flip so they repositioned me. They had me lay down on my right side and had me put my left leg up in the stirrup. It was actually really comfortable for me. Except I was getting really itchy so that was a little annoying. 

    About 6:30am they had me positioned to what they call the throne. They lowered the bottom part of my bed down and raised the upper part so I was sitting upright and had my legs in butterfly. I guess it's supposed to help her to migrate down lower and keep dilating. Finally at 8:40am I was dilated to a 5. I told my mom to come whenever she'd like because I wanted my momma to be there with me. Surprisingly, the hospital was not super strict about mask mandates but I was only allowed 2 visitors. My breakfast that day was a cherry popsicle and I remember being annoyed it had high fructose corn syrup but I was sooo hungry. Mark snuck me some fruit snacks and fruit leather so that was nice. 

    My mom got there between 9:30 and 10am. And nothing crazy happened, it was just a waiting game mostly. Once I was dilated to a 6 it seemed like time flew. At one point my epidural drip ran out. I was starting to feel the contractions pretty strong. Mark kept pushing my button to deliver more drugs  because we didn't realize it was out. I was in tears and I had no idea how people could do this crap without drugs. Finally the nurse came and put more fluids in. Once it was a little after 1pm it was time to start pushing. Now my epidural was perfect! I could feel the pressure of a contraction but no pain. Mark asked if I wanted the mirror again like I did with Walker and I said yes. I know, I know it sounds gross but sometimes you feel like your pushing as hard as you possible can and you're not sure if anything is happening. This way I can actually see progress. We started to be able to see her head and all her beautiful hair. Finally her head came out after about 25 minutes of pushing and the Dr noticed the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck one time. He didn't even skip a beat, just told me to stop pushing and he took care of it. Then one more push and she was out at 1:34pm. 8lbs 4 oz of cuteness and 20 inches long. Dr. Laraway laid her on my chest and the nurses started rubbing her down with towels. My mom was able to get all that on film and its so cool to watch it back. She didn't want to cry at first so they were suctioning out her mouth until she let out a good cry. Mark cut the umbilical cord and the Dr started to stitch me up while they took her to the incubator and suctioned out 8mL of fluid out of her belly. I got a second degree tear just like Walker and I've never seen my feet so swollen but man was I happy. Welcome to the family little Aspen. You are already perfect in every way. 

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