Thursday, November 26, 2015

Livin' the Dream

What a better day than today to think about how blessed I am?! If only I could go back to 4 years ago and know where I would be today. So much has happened.

Mark and I are coming up on our 3 year anniversary! This picture was taken the second time we ever hung out and got to know each other (the first time he was too busy playing on his four wheeler). That's why I call this picture love at second sight :) I THINK this one was taken in 2010.

 I still remember working at Gunnies late that night and a friend at the time asked me if I wanted to go camping that night. So I went and it ended up being my friend, her boyfriend, and Mark and I. I thought he was such a weird guy but he made me laugh so hard. It was really cold and he was in a tank top rallying around the camp spot on his four wheeler yelling "party shirt!!". Nothing has changed a bit. We sat around the camp fire talking most of the night and he was so easy to talk to and caring. Here we are now! All growed up.

Now let's just talk about my dream job for a minute. I can't believe I've been there for 2 1/2 years! Time flies. I'm graduated and passed by Vet Tech National Exam and I miss school everyday. But the awesome thing about my job is that I am constantly learning. I will never know it all and there's always room for improvement. I love it. I could not be more lucky to find a job so perfect for me. Not to mention all the wonderful people I get to work with everyday. This is a picture of Ginger. I can't remember her age exactly but let's just say OLD. Like a senior citizen. Plus she was diabetic, arthritic, and had already lost one eye due to cataracts. Her family took such great care of her. Ginger boarded at our clinic frequently and so we all bonded with her. She was kind of a pain with her eye drops, insulin injections (she would scream every time), and arthritis meds but we loved her anyway. The day I saw her on the schedule to be euthanized it was kind of a relief in a way. I knew all her pain would go away and she was so tired of getting poked twice a day. But of course it was a sad goodbye, After we put in her IV catheter I said, "No more pokes Ginger." RIP Ginger Allan.

I still cannot believe that I am a horse owner. Ever since Molly passed on (a blog topic for another day) I wanted to get another horse. I kept bugging Mark about it but he would put it off (just to tease me) and then one day he said I could get one for my graduation present! When me and my sister took a trip to Idaho for a Shania Twain concert (again, how lucky am I?!) my grandpa showed me a horse. She was only a yearling and he was working on training her. I kept telling Mark I wanted a young one I could train a little so we could both have confidence and trust in each other. I couldn't stop thinking about her after I got home. We found an awesome ranch that's so close to my house, literally walking distance! It's called Sunspring Ranch and it's perfect. I help on the weekends to milk the goats and it helps to pay off some of Tacoma's boarding. Plus Josie is there and she helps me with Tacoma when she has time which is great because I am so new to this training thing! Mark tries to call her Taco which doesn't make me very happy. She'll be 2 years old next spring! Tacoma definitely tries to test me and see what she can get away with. She's gonna learn today!!

And last but definitely not least I am SO grateful for family. Not only the Mellor side but the Olsen side. I feel like I fit right in. I get so much support from both sides. I have been missing my brother Corbin who is currently deployed for 6 months. What a sacrifice people like Corbin make for us. Love you guys. Happy Thanksgiving! 

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