Wednesday, July 10, 2013

7/10/13 Top 5 pet peeves

 I am so excited for this one! I have so many pet peeves. It'll be hard to narrow them down to 5...

1. PDA I can understand holding hands and a little kiss every now and then but holy crap people! You don't need to hold each other and walk at the same time! You look stupid! When I was cashiering at Lowe's the other day this couple could barely get their hands off each other, I wanted to say Hey if you guys need a quickie in the car real quick to be able to get through this that's fine. Nobody looks at a couple while they're suckin face and says, "Awww how cute!"

2. Animal Cruelty I know I know you all think I'm some tree huggin animal rights hippy! But I'm not. Heck, I hope I kill a deer in just a couple weeks. But seriously why have a pet when you don't take care of it?! I'll warn everyone right now; Do not come near me when I watch Animal Cops. I get all sorts of heated up about it. Then when they take their animals away for not caring for them properly they're like.. wait what?! Those dang commercials of Sarah McLachlan singing in the background and the poor puppy eyes.. they get me every time.

3. No Respect I'm lucky I got a husband that was taught to be respectful growing up or he'd probably be dead. I hate it when I hear those stories about girls that are stuck in abusive relationships. It just doesn't make any sense to me why people let others treat them like crap. Have respect for yourself! When I any aged male treating their mom with disrespect, or any woman for that matter, I cannot handle it. It makes them look disgusting and unattractive. My mom used to always tell me to look closely at how a guy treats his mom because that's how he'll treat you. Good thing I married a momma's boy!

4. Judging I hate it so much how us Mormons say judging is not for us yet so many of us do it. Heck I'm not perfect either! I got a tattoo not too long ago and was just amazed at how my family reacted. Some bad, some good. My second mom (we don't use the word in-law) was a little bit disappointed but she didn't think differently of me. She said, "If it makes you happy, I'm happy!" It was frustrating and disappointing seeing how other family members reacted to it but I didn't let it get to me. I watched a youtube video the other day that reminds us that we have no idea what others have been through and what they're going through right now. I always try to remember that. Don't be so quick to judge, you never know until you're in their shoes.
 4 minute amazing video!

5. Ignoring This one isn't as deep or serious. But really I'm talkin to you don't ignore me! I hate it more than anything when Mark is on KSL and doesn't pay attention to me and I have to keep saying HELLO?! Hate it. I'm not someone that has to constantly have attention but when I ask you a question you best be answering me!

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