Hmm... It does seem like I've had alot of highs and not too many lows so that's really good news!
This past year I was really lucky to always have a job. I finally have one that will actually help me in my career and I learn new things everyday! But my last two jobs were part of my lows of the past year. I worked at Gunnies which I LOVED at first. I wasn't making a ton of money (mainly because I spent it all there) but I was content and thought I'd be there to get me through college. Then I got a new manager.. and we butted heads big time. At first when I heard she was the new manager I was a little butt hurt because I was there longer and I kinda knew we didn't get along that great. But then I realized why the heck would I want to be a manager ever in a million years?! Way too much responsibility! ha. So I was happy for her and thought she'd do a great job. Which she did, most of the time. But she was a major kiss butt and acted like she was better than everyone. It was a western wear and hunting store so a lot of us hunted and wore boots etc.. but since it was so many girls working there of course everyone is competitive. Long story short she was really rude and didn't treat people with respect so I talked to the store owner and told her what was going on. Well since this manager was such a kiss butt she liked her and had no sympathy for me. So I told her if things didn't change I didn't think I could do it anymore. Well they didn't change so I quit. Walking out that day felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders! It was amazing!
The next job was good ole Lowe's. I wanted to work there since I was a little girl and my dad would take me their to get tools. No idea why. But I learned REAL quick I was not meant to be in retail. At least for a big company. It all started when Lowe's installed me and Mark's carpet in our house and we got my new bow stolen and my sisters kindle. We tried for months and months to get money back or somehow for them to make it right with us. They never did. I lost respect for them and kind of quit caring. Terrible, I know. The thing that sucks is I loved some of the people I worked with and it was the most money I had been making. But once I got my dream job I put in my two weeks. I'll miss those great people I worked with. Mainly just one.. she knows who she is ;)
I've been super lucky this past year! I have Mark in my life and we have a beautiful house in a great neighborhood. The lowest of the low actually happened right after getting married. I lost my best friend and the best dog I will ever know. Maxx. He passed away while I was on my honeymoon and I'll miss him very much.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Friday, July 19, 2013
7/16/13 15 interesting facts about yourself
Well hopefully I can think of that many! Hmm..
- I've always known what I wanted to be when I grow up.
- I eat A LOT! Mark always makes fun of me because I'm always hungry!
- I have a scar on my ankle that looks like a worm and for some reason I named it Frances..
- I love going to school and learning and feeling like I'm working towards a goal.
- I started getting into archery about 2 years ago and LOVE it.
- I can handle all the poopy diapers in the world but once I see boogers.. I'm out!
- I love running especially in the rain.
- My favorite flavor of ice cream is vanilla, you can't go wrong with vanilla.
- I used to barrel race and I miss it more than anything.
- Sometimes I sing really loud when I'm in the house alone.. only sometimes.
- My dream job is a large animal vet but I love hunting, is that bad?
- I'm a little bit of a tom boy and can't stand a lot of girls.
- My favorite body part on a male is calf muscles and um my husbands are NICE!
- My obsessions are: Jeans, t-shirts,hats and hoodies. Classy right?
- My sister is my ultimate best friend but can drive me crazy sometimes cuz she's such a girl.
Friday, July 12, 2013
7/12/13 Bullet your whole day
A day in the life of Nicole Marque Olsen:
- Alarm clock goes off at 5:30am. Instantly groan and push snooze and spoon Mark.
- Alarm clock goes off at 5:40am. Struggle to get myself out of bed and Mark is in "Baby morning time mode" and tries to cuddle with me and I shake him off and he goes back to sleep.
- I walk in the bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror ,up close since I'm blind without contacts, for a few seconds.
- Put in my contacts and run to the kitchen to find no breakfast. So I throw an egg on the skillet (well first one drops on the floor so I clean it up) cook it up and put it on some toast that I burnt.
- Then go down to the laundry room and bring up my clean scrubs I need for work. I put on my clothes (meanwhile everytime I walk in the room Mark lifts his head with one eye open and acts like he's reaching for me.. I don't respond so he fall back asleep. Repeat this step about 500 times) and then brush my teeth and wash my face.
- Stare at my face again and decide if it's worth it or not to wear makeup. I decide it's not.
- I half try to do my hair but run out of time and throw it in a bun like always.
- This whole time Goose is following me around the house and laying down next to me all cute like so I take him in the garage and feed him and tell him to go potty.
- While Goose is outside I run upstairs and grab my bag and phone and keys and then I have to say goodbye to Mark. So I lay on top of him and give him a big hug and he kisses my cheek and everytime I try to go he holds tighter. (Why can't he be like this at night??)
- I finally get loose so he says, "Drive safe love you" and I say love you back and have a good day.
- I get Goose in the back of my truck (It's pouring rain and it makes me happy!) and drive away just a little early than I need to so I decide to stop at a gas station for a water bottle and blueberry muffins.
- I get to work (Family Pet hospital) at 6:55am and let out all the crazy annoying dogs that are barking and I get them fed. Then I work and assist the Vet till 12:15pm and then I rush out.
- I run inside change out of my scrubs and into normal clothes then tell Goose to be a good boy and not to eat anything and leave a note for Mark telling him to drive safe because he left on a camping trip tonight.
- I get to Lowe's at 1pm and automatically want to leave. Literally the longest day of my life. On my lunch break at about 5:15pm I speed to PG and meet Mark so we can switch cars and say goodbye then I get a Brazilian (yes they hurt real bad but SO worth it!!) and then stop at Carl's Jr and get a Low Carb Burger (Not because I think I'm fat I just actually LOVE them) and a big diet coke (yep, I'm addicted)
- And then back to work again. Another million hours goes by and it's finally 10pm and I'm off.
- Now here I am just bloggin away looking at how dang cute my dog is and hating being home alone! I miss Mark and can't wait to see him tomorrow. I should probably try to sleep now.. but I'll keep the light on in the front room in case I get scared. Goodnight!
7/12/13 A moment that you felt most satisfied with your life
Hm.. A moment where I've felt the most satisfied with my life would be.. you called it! My wedding day!
I really do feel like that was the day everything felt into place, where I found the missing puzzle piece, and that was when I just felt complete. This is a good night to write this because it's actually our first night apart since we've been married. Ugh I never thought I'd be one of those girls.
Leading up to the wedding was obviously pretty stressful. He proposed in September and we got married in January so we didn't have a lot of time. So with all the stress of planning the wedding and everything else it never really hit me that I'd have Mark all to myself. I'd say the moment it hit me was when we were across the alter from each other. My mom right behind with his Mom next to her and our dads next to us and all of our close family and friends on the other side. I've never felt to happy in my life then I did at that moment. Our sealer made it so special for us. He took the time to get to know Mark and I and interpreted it into the sealing. It was beautiful. We got to have just a couple moments holding each others hands and looking into each others eyes with all of our supporters there in this beautiful temple and knowing that we get to have each other for eternity. It's not like anything else I've ever experienced. Sometimes when marriage gets rough (about 90% of the time...) I just have to look back at all that we've been through and know that I made the best decision of my life and even though we have ups and downs we'll always have each other.
"Just Me and You Babe"
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
7/10/13 Top 5 pet peeves
I am so excited for this one! I have so many pet peeves. It'll be hard to narrow them down to 5...
1. PDA I can understand holding hands and a little kiss every now and then but holy crap people! You don't need to hold each other and walk at the same time! You look stupid! When I was cashiering at Lowe's the other day this couple could barely get their hands off each other, I wanted to say Hey if you guys need a quickie in the car real quick to be able to get through this that's fine. Nobody looks at a couple while they're suckin face and says, "Awww how cute!"
2. Animal Cruelty I know I know you all think I'm some tree huggin animal rights hippy! But I'm not. Heck, I hope I kill a deer in just a couple weeks. But seriously why have a pet when you don't take care of it?! I'll warn everyone right now; Do not come near me when I watch Animal Cops. I get all sorts of heated up about it. Then when they take their animals away for not caring for them properly they're like.. wait what?! Those dang commercials of Sarah McLachlan singing in the background and the poor puppy eyes.. they get me every time.
3. No Respect I'm lucky I got a husband that was taught to be respectful growing up or he'd probably be dead. I hate it when I hear those stories about girls that are stuck in abusive relationships. It just doesn't make any sense to me why people let others treat them like crap. Have respect for yourself! When I any aged male treating their mom with disrespect, or any woman for that matter, I cannot handle it. It makes them look disgusting and unattractive. My mom used to always tell me to look closely at how a guy treats his mom because that's how he'll treat you. Good thing I married a momma's boy!
4. Judging I hate it so much how us Mormons say judging is not for us yet so many of us do it. Heck I'm not perfect either! I got a tattoo not too long ago and was just amazed at how my family reacted. Some bad, some good. My second mom (we don't use the word in-law) was a little bit disappointed but she didn't think differently of me. She said, "If it makes you happy, I'm happy!" It was frustrating and disappointing seeing how other family members reacted to it but I didn't let it get to me. I watched a youtube video the other day that reminds us that we have no idea what others have been through and what they're going through right now. I always try to remember that. Don't be so quick to judge, you never know until you're in their shoes.
4 minute amazing video!
5. Ignoring This one isn't as deep or serious. But really I'm talkin to you don't ignore me! I hate it more than anything when Mark is on KSL and doesn't pay attention to me and I have to keep saying HELLO?! Hate it. I'm not someone that has to constantly have attention but when I ask you a question you best be answering me!
1. PDA I can understand holding hands and a little kiss every now and then but holy crap people! You don't need to hold each other and walk at the same time! You look stupid! When I was cashiering at Lowe's the other day this couple could barely get their hands off each other, I wanted to say Hey if you guys need a quickie in the car real quick to be able to get through this that's fine. Nobody looks at a couple while they're suckin face and says, "Awww how cute!"
2. Animal Cruelty I know I know you all think I'm some tree huggin animal rights hippy! But I'm not. Heck, I hope I kill a deer in just a couple weeks. But seriously why have a pet when you don't take care of it?! I'll warn everyone right now; Do not come near me when I watch Animal Cops. I get all sorts of heated up about it. Then when they take their animals away for not caring for them properly they're like.. wait what?! Those dang commercials of Sarah McLachlan singing in the background and the poor puppy eyes.. they get me every time.
3. No Respect I'm lucky I got a husband that was taught to be respectful growing up or he'd probably be dead. I hate it when I hear those stories about girls that are stuck in abusive relationships. It just doesn't make any sense to me why people let others treat them like crap. Have respect for yourself! When I any aged male treating their mom with disrespect, or any woman for that matter, I cannot handle it. It makes them look disgusting and unattractive. My mom used to always tell me to look closely at how a guy treats his mom because that's how he'll treat you. Good thing I married a momma's boy!
4. Judging I hate it so much how us Mormons say judging is not for us yet so many of us do it. Heck I'm not perfect either! I got a tattoo not too long ago and was just amazed at how my family reacted. Some bad, some good. My second mom (we don't use the word in-law) was a little bit disappointed but she didn't think differently of me. She said, "If it makes you happy, I'm happy!" It was frustrating and disappointing seeing how other family members reacted to it but I didn't let it get to me. I watched a youtube video the other day that reminds us that we have no idea what others have been through and what they're going through right now. I always try to remember that. Don't be so quick to judge, you never know until you're in their shoes.
4 minute amazing video!
5. Ignoring This one isn't as deep or serious. But really I'm talkin to you don't ignore me! I hate it more than anything when Mark is on KSL and doesn't pay attention to me and I have to keep saying HELLO?! Hate it. I'm not someone that has to constantly have attention but when I ask you a question you best be answering me!
7/10/2013 Where would you like to be in 10 years?
Hmm.. In ten years I'll be 31. Geez that's old. I know I'll be a veterinary technician and hopefully LOVING my job. I always said I wanted to go more into large animal veterinary sciences. Especially horses. But I really love where I'm at right now. In ten years I'll probably have some kids.. maybe. The oldest could possibly be 7 or 8. Woah that's weird. I want to have 3 or 4 kids but that might change after my first ;) I hope Mark is at a job that he loves possibly the one he's at right now but making money that he's satisfied with. Even though it seems like he's never satisfied! I will definitely have a horse or 2 and a couple dogs. I would love it if me and Mark were in a house on a mountain somewhere far from the city but not too far from family. One that looks like a cabin. My sister and sister in law will probably have about 10 kids by then ;) I hope I have a calling in the church like the young women. I'd be pretty damn good at that! In ten years my mom will be 57! And I know she'll be loving all the grandkids Emily and Jessica give her. My nephews Gage and Krew will be old! And probably mean! I hope my little girl Aspen is the first child so she can be the mature responsible one like my oldest sister is. Then maybe Walker will be next and then Cheyenne and hopefully last is Bentley. But if Aspen is a little brat we might just stop at her. I hope by then Mark will learn how to not pee all over the toilet seat.. And we better have a huge wall in our house full of mounted animals we've killed over the past hunts. I hope Goose is alive still because I love him. And last but not least in ten years I hope I don't want to kill Mark still.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013
07/03/2013- Your current relationship
Where do I even begin?! Me and Mark have SO much fun together. We don't get to hang out a lot because I work two jobs and don't really get days off. That's why I get excited when we actually get to be together! When we have free time we like to camp, fish, hunt, go four wheeling, go on drives, basically anything outdoors. I love it when we can just stay at home and watch movies and just be together relaxing. My sister always says if we had our own reality TV show it'd be a big hit. We always get people asking us, "Do you always have this much fun together?!" Of course it's not always fun and games but we don't like to take life too seriously (Mark had to teach me that). He seriously can make me laugh so hard. I hate it more than anything when I'm trying to be mad at him and he just makes me laugh! He can drive me crazy sometimes that it just makes me laugh. Sometimes we act like zombies trying to eat each other. Sometimes I try to be extremely obnoxious to him just so he knows how it feels ;) It was so hard for me to adjust to him not ever taking things seriously. But I've learned that life is too short for that and he had to learn that there are times to be serious. I love him to death!
How I become Mrs. Olsen (sorry it's a long one!)
Me and Mark both went to Mountain View High School. He was a year ahead of me and we hardly spoke. I remember thinking he was the obnoxious kid that was always getting in trouble and always had a shaved head and facial hair (not much has changed). And all he remembers me as is the cheerleader so that automatically was off limits for "The Wildman". Literally the only thing he ever said to me was when I broke my ankle and had to wear a boot and he came up to me in the hallway and said, "Hey you have two different shoes on.." And I just rolled my eyes at him and walked away.
A couple years later after graduating high school I got a pretty serious boyfriend. He was a really good guy and I thought for sure I'd marry him. The only thing stopping me was he was preparing to serve a mission. We were dating for a couple months when he got his call and I promised I'd wait for him. The weeks after he'd left I was so depressed. Two years felt so long. I told myself I wouldn't date at all while he was gone, just focus on my job and school.
One night I was hanging out with my best friend at the time, Haley. We hung out at Sportsman's for a while and I knew Haley had been hanging out with Mark a little so I said we should call him and see what he's up to tonight. I decided to call him on Haley's phone and he didn't answer so I left a voicemail saying he needed to call us back if he wanted to hang out. He called back on my phone and I remember wondering why he had my number (he said he got it on facebook because he thought I was hot but I don't believe it). So we met him at his house and decided to go four wheeling. My first thoughts were Oooh nice truck and He's a big boy! As we were driving up Haley mentioned that I was waiting on a missionary and guess what he said back?! "You won't wait." That was it! I was so offended. I told Haley we are never hanging out with him again! Well I guess he knew something that I didn't.
Somehow I ended up on a camping trip with him and a friend from work, Anjie, and her boyfriend. It was actually really fun and he kept making me laugh. Anjie and Ben went to bed and Me and Mark talked around the campfire for hours. I thought he was so easy to talk to! We texted all day every day after that. He'd ask about my missionary all the time. I remember us talking about watching John Wayne movies together and then I saw on facebook that his phone broke. So I wrote on his wall that his phone being broken is not a good excuse to bail. So he says that was the reason he bought a phone right after he saw that. We watched John Wayne and hunting together all the time at his house.
One day I looked down at my phone and Mark had sent me a picture message of a bow. And then he said it was for me. I was super excited to learn to shoot a bow. He spent way more money than he should've when we hung out before we were dating. I knew he was falling for me but I had so much fun with him that I didn't want to stop hanging out with him. I always told him "Don't get your hopes up!" because I still loved the missionary and I definitely didn't want to be one of the girls that Dear Johned. I would go home crying every night going home from his house just feeling so confused and feeling guilty that I was hurting both of them. Then to make things worse Mark said the L word. We were just sitting there at my house and he said, "Nicole I really need to tell you something, it's been on my mind lately.. and I just need to get it off my chest." This whole time I'm saying, "Don't say it, don't, nope, don't do it." But he never was a good listener. After he dropped the L bomb there was just silence. I didn't say it back. I just cried. Then as we were saying goodbye I asked why we couldn't just stay friends because things would be way less complicated that way and he said probably the cutest, sappiest things ever, "But then I'll never get to call you mine." I told him I loved him back a few months later by saying, "Man, I love my dog....and my boyfriend." Real classy huh?
Then I finally met his family which made things worse, because I LOVED them! They had a barbecue one day that Aunt Judy said was "just for me". Grandma Cluff just watched me and Mark with a confused look on her face like, "Mark hangs out with girls??" And Grandpa Cluff would not stop taking pictures of us. I felt like part of the family the first time I met them which was so nice! All the other guys I dated it was so hard for me to be myself in front of their family. But not Marks.
Mark never gave up. He chased me around for 4 months just waiting for me to make up my mind. It was torture for us both. I had two amazing guys I needed to choose from. It really was a difficult time for me. I didn't want to hurt anyone and they both meant so much to me. But I just needed to decide who would make me more happy and put away all the feelings of guilt. On June 8th, 2012 I made a huge decision. I told Mark I wanted to date him and only him. I didn't plan on telling him yet but I just couldn't wait any longer. From that moment on I never looked back.
I literally am the most stubborn girl on the planet. I tell myself everyday I don't deserve him. He would drop anything if I asked him to. I'm pretty dang lucky!
A couple years later after graduating high school I got a pretty serious boyfriend. He was a really good guy and I thought for sure I'd marry him. The only thing stopping me was he was preparing to serve a mission. We were dating for a couple months when he got his call and I promised I'd wait for him. The weeks after he'd left I was so depressed. Two years felt so long. I told myself I wouldn't date at all while he was gone, just focus on my job and school.
One night I was hanging out with my best friend at the time, Haley. We hung out at Sportsman's for a while and I knew Haley had been hanging out with Mark a little so I said we should call him and see what he's up to tonight. I decided to call him on Haley's phone and he didn't answer so I left a voicemail saying he needed to call us back if he wanted to hang out. He called back on my phone and I remember wondering why he had my number (he said he got it on facebook because he thought I was hot but I don't believe it). So we met him at his house and decided to go four wheeling. My first thoughts were Oooh nice truck and He's a big boy! As we were driving up Haley mentioned that I was waiting on a missionary and guess what he said back?! "You won't wait." That was it! I was so offended. I told Haley we are never hanging out with him again! Well I guess he knew something that I didn't.
Somehow I ended up on a camping trip with him and a friend from work, Anjie, and her boyfriend. It was actually really fun and he kept making me laugh. Anjie and Ben went to bed and Me and Mark talked around the campfire for hours. I thought he was so easy to talk to! We texted all day every day after that. He'd ask about my missionary all the time. I remember us talking about watching John Wayne movies together and then I saw on facebook that his phone broke. So I wrote on his wall that his phone being broken is not a good excuse to bail. So he says that was the reason he bought a phone right after he saw that. We watched John Wayne and hunting together all the time at his house.
One day I looked down at my phone and Mark had sent me a picture message of a bow. And then he said it was for me. I was super excited to learn to shoot a bow. He spent way more money than he should've when we hung out before we were dating. I knew he was falling for me but I had so much fun with him that I didn't want to stop hanging out with him. I always told him "Don't get your hopes up!" because I still loved the missionary and I definitely didn't want to be one of the girls that Dear Johned. I would go home crying every night going home from his house just feeling so confused and feeling guilty that I was hurting both of them. Then to make things worse Mark said the L word. We were just sitting there at my house and he said, "Nicole I really need to tell you something, it's been on my mind lately.. and I just need to get it off my chest." This whole time I'm saying, "Don't say it, don't, nope, don't do it." But he never was a good listener. After he dropped the L bomb there was just silence. I didn't say it back. I just cried. Then as we were saying goodbye I asked why we couldn't just stay friends because things would be way less complicated that way and he said probably the cutest, sappiest things ever, "But then I'll never get to call you mine." I told him I loved him back a few months later by saying, "Man, I love my dog....and my boyfriend." Real classy huh?
Then I finally met his family which made things worse, because I LOVED them! They had a barbecue one day that Aunt Judy said was "just for me". Grandma Cluff just watched me and Mark with a confused look on her face like, "Mark hangs out with girls??" And Grandpa Cluff would not stop taking pictures of us. I felt like part of the family the first time I met them which was so nice! All the other guys I dated it was so hard for me to be myself in front of their family. But not Marks.
Mark never gave up. He chased me around for 4 months just waiting for me to make up my mind. It was torture for us both. I had two amazing guys I needed to choose from. It really was a difficult time for me. I didn't want to hurt anyone and they both meant so much to me. But I just needed to decide who would make me more happy and put away all the feelings of guilt. On June 8th, 2012 I made a huge decision. I told Mark I wanted to date him and only him. I didn't plan on telling him yet but I just couldn't wait any longer. From that moment on I never looked back.
I literally am the most stubborn girl on the planet. I tell myself everyday I don't deserve him. He would drop anything if I asked him to. I'm pretty dang lucky!
I guess I blog now?
Well here's my first blog! I'm not too sure what to write about.. So I guess I'll just talk about myself and what's going on in my life.. that'll be fun right?!
The big teddy bear in the picture with me above is my cute husband Mark. We've been married for 5 months now. I guess that makes us newly weds? I'll talk more later on our story of how we met but for now I just gotta say he is so perfect for me! He knows how to handle me when I'm being stubborn 90% of the time and just makes me so happy! We can have so much fun together acting like a couple of idiots. Moving on..
I just recently got my dream job!For my whole life I've always wanted to work with animals. It's never changed. I started going to school to become a Veterinary Technician and I've loved every second of it. I'm a veterinary assistant at Family Pet Hospital and I learn so much everyday. I also work at Lowe's as a cashier.. but we won't go there!
Life is pretty crazy adjusting to being married and juggling two jobs but I love it! Me and Mark got a nice house in Provo. Mark is working in IT and really likes it there and makes good money. He works so hard for us. We have two dogs. My brittany spaniel, Goose. Then Marks mutts name is Patch. We don't want kids for a real long time! I don't ever get baby hungry now that I watch my nephews once a week.. best birth control ever! Hunting season is coming up really soon and Me and Mark drew dedicated hunter!! I really want a buck this year.
I'm also training for a half marathon right now and it just feels great being in shape! A good friend of mine that I cheered with in high school works out with me everyday. We're really good workout buddies! I start seeing my body change and it makes all the hard work pay off! I still feel like I have a ways to go though but I'm getting there.
That's all for now folks!
The big teddy bear in the picture with me above is my cute husband Mark. We've been married for 5 months now. I guess that makes us newly weds? I'll talk more later on our story of how we met but for now I just gotta say he is so perfect for me! He knows how to handle me when I'm being stubborn 90% of the time and just makes me so happy! We can have so much fun together acting like a couple of idiots. Moving on..
I just recently got my dream job!For my whole life I've always wanted to work with animals. It's never changed. I started going to school to become a Veterinary Technician and I've loved every second of it. I'm a veterinary assistant at Family Pet Hospital and I learn so much everyday. I also work at Lowe's as a cashier.. but we won't go there!
Life is pretty crazy adjusting to being married and juggling two jobs but I love it! Me and Mark got a nice house in Provo. Mark is working in IT and really likes it there and makes good money. He works so hard for us. We have two dogs. My brittany spaniel, Goose. Then Marks mutts name is Patch. We don't want kids for a real long time! I don't ever get baby hungry now that I watch my nephews once a week.. best birth control ever! Hunting season is coming up really soon and Me and Mark drew dedicated hunter!! I really want a buck this year.
I'm also training for a half marathon right now and it just feels great being in shape! A good friend of mine that I cheered with in high school works out with me everyday. We're really good workout buddies! I start seeing my body change and it makes all the hard work pay off! I still feel like I have a ways to go though but I'm getting there.
That's all for now folks!
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