Thursday, January 5, 2017

How did I get so lucky?!

Well, it's been over a year since I blogged last. I'm so glad I was inspired to blog again. I haven't written in so long I almost forgot how much I love it. Ready for an update on my life?!

Most recently: Mark and I have moved into my parents basement in Orem. We were living in a cute little house in Provo and sold it because the market was good and we (mostly Mark) decided we wanted to build our dream home! It's definitely been a change to get used to especially because we have two dogs and one of them is CRAZY! I feel bad for my parents a lot of the time. Haha! I miss our place in Provo but I know it'll be worth it when we have our new house in Salem and one day I'll get to look out the back window and see my horse in my back yard. We were originally thinking we would be able to move in April but with this crazy winter it's sounding more like May-June, so I decided if I expect late fall I can't be disappointed!

The horse: If you know me, you know I LOVE talking about my pony; Tacoma. When I first got her a little over a year ago I felt so in over my head wondering why I got a 1 year old when I don't have much experience breaking a horse! But she is coming along so wonderfully thanks to a good friend; Megan. I'm finally actually riding her. It's amazing. We have gone solo a few times but she's not quite ready for that so I make sure to either have someone holding a lunge line that's connected to her or at least someone there watching me. She still spooks at everything, but that's pretty much just a horse thing. I feel so bonded to her already. I really lucked out with this horse. It's been a tad more challenging now that I don't live across the street from her but I make it work. Tacoma is boarded at a wonderful place called Sunspring Ranch. Lucked out with this place too! The Goodman's own it and have all been so great with me. I'm even able to help milk the goats or clean stalls to pay for some of her board so that's been a life saver. I'm not entirely sure how long she'll be there after we move to Salem but that'll be a challenge for sure. I think I can handle it though!

Lifestyle: Yep, that's right it's not a diet it's a lifestyle people! As some of you know (because I don't shut up about it ever..) I joined Crossfit XD (pleasant grove) about 8 months ago and it's been an incredible journey. The gym and the barn are literally my social life. I love the people there, it's like a small family. I guess most of it is family though ;) The owners joke that someday it'll be called Mellor Time because there are so many of us. We're kind of a big deal. Along with Crossfit I've been on a meal plan that my coach has put together for me. I can't tell you how much these both have changed my life. Each week for 4 hours I get a cheat meal. It's incredible. But seriously, when I'm done cheating I am so excited to shove my face with chicken, brussel sprouts, and broccoli. So weird, I know. It just feels good to fuel your body with what it needs to function at it's absolute best.

Image result for first rule of crossfit meme

Career: Still working as a CVT (Certified Vet Tech.. again.. I'm a big deal) at Family Pet Hospital in Mapleton. I've been there about 3 1/2 years and I still love going to work everyday. I should admit though, that lately I have felt a little burnt out. I guess it's common to happen in the veterinary field. You just get so close with a family and their pet and then they get old and eventually die. It gets depressing. Some days you have 5 euthanasia's you have to go into and explain to the family what's going to happen and ,often times, convince them that they're doing the right thing. It's hard to not let it get to you. It can also be very frustrating when some owners don't realize just how similar dogs/cats are to humans. They need to be on a good diet, they should get routine oral care, and they need dr visits! But overall, I love it. I can't picture myself doing any other line of work. I love educating clients, seeing how medicine can affect a dog's life, and learning something new every day. Plus I have some really great coworkers.

The Husband/My Wildman: Oh this guy. I just like him a lot. He's so crazy. Keeps life interesting. Mark and I are coming up on our 4 year anniversary. How crazy is that?! Even though sometimes he makes me want to rip my hair out.. he sure is great. So many qualities I love about him. He supports me in everything I do and he knows when I'm stressed and exactly what to say to calm me down. Mark just bought we a new bow for my birthday and (don't tell him) but I cannot wait to shoot it! That thing is going to be lights out for this upcoming archery season.

Life in general: So yeah I guess I'm a pretty busy person. If I'm not home (which is basically only when I sleep or meal prep) I'm at the gym, barn, or work. Literally the only options. I can honestly say I LOVE MY LIFE! How did I get so lucky though??