Friday, January 3, 2014

Brighton Kay Mellor

     Well it has been an exciting trip so far! I've been here a week now and fly home in 3 days. I decided I'm a lot more like my mom than I thought I was. I have had such a hard time being away from work and school and my husband. I just hate not feeling like I'm not accomplishing anything or learning. But I am really glad I came!
     Brighton Kay Mellor was born yesterday and what an amazing experience it was. I feel lucky that I was able to be in the delivery room and gained some serious respect for women! I had never been around that before and didn't know anything about pregnancy but I learned A LOT while being here (thanks to Emily's hilariously blunt mom). I didn't realize how painful contractions were until my first night being here. Me, Emily, and Corbin were just cleaning up our dinner plates when Emily leaned over the counter in pain and she kinda yelled. I was juggling two plates and yelled something like, "Is she having a baby?!?" and then one of the plates smashed to the ground. We all laughed afterwards and Emily felt kinda bad because she forgot to tell me that she gets contractions once in a while.. haha. I had no clue!

     Emily and Corbin went to the hospital yesterday morning so Emily could be induced. We came later that morning and she looked to be in some serious pain. I wanted to help her but knew there was nothing I could do. It was really cool listening to little Brighton's heart beat on the machine (my mom is baby crazy and made me record it and send it to her). Emily's nurse was really nice and answered all of our many questions. Finally Emily got her epidural and it seemed to ease some of pain. The nurse told us it was time to start pushing because Emily was dilated to a 7. I thought, "Wait are you sure?? Already? Shouldn't we wait for the doctor?" For some reason I thought all it took was a couple good pushes and she'd just slip right out! Nope. Emily's "mid-wife" (whatever that is) finally came and they got everything ready. It was time! I stood next to Corbin and they were all just cheering Emily on. I thought I might get dizzy once I was in there (since it is very different than a cat or dog getting neutered) but I didn't at all. I was actually really interested in it! I could see Brighton's full head of hair and then after another good push there was her head and out slid the rest of her body! I couldn't believe how fast it was. And then the lady that delivered the baby kinda just chucked Brighton onto Emily's chest and Corbin cut the cord. It was actually really emotional. Even for me! I watched the nurses clean Brighton up a little and then Emily and Corbin got to hold her. You could just see how much love they already had for this little girl. Welcome home Brighton Kay!